Crystal Personality Chakra Chart

Quartz – Crown Chakra – Pisces/Water – For those who are attuned to an amplified Spiritual connection, this soul is outspoken without using any words. Musical and artistic, they may sometimes present their own biggest challenges. For those who are clear about career...

5 Methods to Cut Cords

5 Methods to Cut Cords of Low Frequency or Negative Energy What is a cord? How do I know if I am corded, and how can I tell if I need a cord cutting? Am I detaching or leaving when I cut cords? How do I do it?What is a Cord? Cords are unseen energy tethers that...

What is dimensional biofeedback?

Biofeedback, the Law of Attraction & How do we do use it dimensionally? First let’s explore what biofeedback in this dimension is.  Biofeedback is the process of gaining awareness and control over our body’s functions.  In order to do this, we need to increase...

Are you a toxic friend?

15 Tell Tale Signs that you are a Toxic Friend, or are in a Toxic Friendship Do you have a hard time making and keeping friends? If so you may want to examine what you believe about friendships, or what you believe about yourself in friendships and in the world at...

How to disappear a headache.

How to disappear a headache. I learned this technique years ago, however, I’ve discovered that it helps to know what is causing the headache first. If you do know, then work on alleviating the underlying cause by how you view that situation; person, place or...

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