Caterpillar Spirit Animal Message

Caterpillar Spirit Animal Message Transformation is at hand!  Caterpillar is reminding us of our potential of becoming all we desire; an expression of our soul’s divine nature!  It may seem that you are moving slowly, but it is a necessary part of the process.  The...

Flea Spirit Animal Message

Although small, the flea is extremely resilient and powerful.  And if you’ve ever tried to smash one, you know that they have an extremely strong exterior, and that makes them a powerful survivor.  As well, they can avoid danger by being small, not being seen.  They...

Aura Map

“Aura; universal energy beyond the flesh.”   Energetic Aura Bodies We operate in a sea of energy, and there are multiple layers of energy around our body.  The layers of energy make up your aura body.  Each of these layers is affiliated with a different area of study,...

Crystal Personality Chakra Chart

Quartz – Crown Chakra – Pisces/Water – For those who are attuned to an amplified Spiritual connection, this soul is outspoken without using any words. Musical and artistic, they may sometimes present their own biggest challenges. For those who are clear about career...

5 Methods to Cut Cords

5 Methods to Cut Cords of Low Frequency or Negative Energy What is a cord? How do I know if I am corded, and how can I tell if I need a cord cutting? Am I detaching or leaving when I cut cords? How do I do it?What is a Cord? Cords are unseen energy tethers that...

What is dimensional biofeedback?

Biofeedback, the Law of Attraction & How do we do use it dimensionally? First let’s explore what biofeedback in this dimension is.  Biofeedback is the process of gaining awareness and control over our body’s functions.  In order to do this, we need to increase...
Eliminate Toxic Sabotaging Patterns

Gain Freedom from painful Toxic Relationship Patterns and create fabulous, fun, healthy relationships now!

Success! Redirecting...