Extraordinary Results – Reiki Level 1 Class

What happened to the wine?! As some of you may know, I sent out an intention to attract those who were ready, willing and able to expand and grow; attracting those that are ready for comprehensive and intensive sessions that sometimes resemble Psychic Boot Camp....

Extraordinary Conversations

Past Lives There are times when I have been given past life information to help a client understand certain choices or lessons as they are walking through them.  This is given for the purpose of growth and/or healing always.  This is not something to be taken lightly,...

Past lives may affect current life choices

Dear M. Looking at our Past Lives allows us to see why we may have made choices in this lifetime to live through certain experiences; why did we come back as male or female?  What is the grand purpose of living through and studying lack of trust or lack of Love?...

Past lives

The first method is for those who are experienced in this practice.  I guide you, through meditation, to your Akashic records. In this method you are the one gathering the information, and it comes in many different forms, using all of the body’s physical senses...
Eliminate Toxic Sabotaging Patterns

Gain Freedom from painful Toxic Relationship Patterns and create fabulous, fun, healthy relationships now!

Success! Redirecting...