Ritual of Release

Ritual of Release This is a great way to clear energy and to release stuck energy in the mind, body and soul, even if you don’t “see” that it is there. There is always residual from both this life and the past; both from early childhood collection of data and...

The purpose of our soul challenges

 The purpose of our soul challenges; karmic challenges. Number one, betrayal. What is it, and what is the purpose? I’m sitting in my garden, with my coffee, and writing what was given to me in the wee hours of the morning upon waking. The place between sleep and fully...

Are you blocking your Angels

Don’t worry!  About anything!  Don’t worry if you didn’t do a “full moon release” last night (the energy is still strong, you can do it tonight).  Don’t worry if you didn’t get the laundry done, don’t worry about “that...

5 Steps to Increase Positive Energy Flow

⦁ Stop! Catch yourself when you are thinking a negative thought about yourself or another. This is so important, your conscious state. You can’t do anything to change the energy if you don’t realize you’re being negative in the first place. You can ask a trusted...

On the struggle of Good & Evil

On the struggle of Good & Evil; Is it increasing?  Why?  My Angels’ answer…. Again I was in my car and thinking about the struggle of good and evil. The reason my mind was questioning this entire dimensional concept was that an errant negative thought had floated...
Eliminate Toxic Sabotaging Patterns

Gain Freedom from painful Toxic Relationship Patterns and create fabulous, fun, healthy relationships now!

Success! Redirecting...