How to clear blocked energy -part 1

The keys to blocked energy, no matter who is doing the blocking or why they may be blocking themselves, are: 1) They are not clear about what they want. (See the 3 steps to get clear below). 2) Therefore, they are not able to ask for it – so they are not asking...

Intuitive Development Begins!

Come Play in the energy. Connect with your Angels & Guides. Good Morning!  I’m super excited to offer these 12 classes! Discover the best way for you to “listen” to your Angels and Guides!  Learn to trust and use your intuition in your daily life with...

Create your dreams in 11 steps

  11 foolproof steps to creating your desires Begin in the morning by focusing on your body. Drink a glass of water to clear yourself physically, then clear yourself energetically.  I have a Clearing Meditation that you can use, or you can visualize a clear,...

Mercury is Retrograde

Already feeling the effects of Mercury?!!!  Here’s some more info so you can laugh with me and use the energy!  Mercury is the planet that rules communication, so that includes all forms of communication, like the mail, and of course within all of your relationships;...

Making a Vision Board that works!

4 Steps for Creating a Vision Board that is Activated and Works!  Here are some of the most important hints taken from my Vision Board class that I have taught at various corporations, including Real Estate Companies.  These are tips that the most successful people...

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