Angel Message:  Don’t justify your limitations!

We all get something out of the energy we run.  For instance, if we run the belief energy of “I’m shy” or “I’m socially awkward”, two things occur. First, we’ll continue to create a reflection of that belief, and have experiences that convince us that this is true. ...

Mercury Retrograde ~ Again?

I always say learn to laugh here on this planet, during this journey, because it’s better than the alternative!  This is exactly what you need as you go through this Mercury Retrograde!  A keen sense of humor, and a positive outlook will take you far…. Mercury rules...

Beetle Spirit Animal Message

The Green Beetle is one of over 350,000 mutations of beetles, and in that is related to the Scarab Beetle.  This in and of itself speaks to Beetle’s strength in adapting and surviving.  Scarab Beetles are a symbol of good luck, and associated with Ra the sun God...

Spirit Animal Message of the Dragonfly

As an agent of change and transformation, joy and rebirth, and a symbol that connects us to our loved ones on the other side, the dragonfly reminds us of our adaptability and that life is a process without end; we live on and are able to connect spiritually beyond...

DNA Activation

What happens during the DNA Activation? In this 6 phase activation, we will be connecting with and bringing in dimensional, intelligent energy, to activate the remaining 10 strands of DNA.  The activation of the DNA strands then activates the DNA Codes, within the...

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