Forgiveness- It’s time to lose the fear

What benefit do you get when you make somebody wrong; when you make yourself right and that other person wrong? Why is it so important for some people to be right? Part of the reason involves proving to them that others are not trustworthy. If they are wrong then...

Past lives may affect current life choices

Dear M. Looking at our Past Lives allows us to see why we may have made choices in this lifetime to live through certain experiences; why did we come back as male or female?  What is the grand purpose of living through and studying lack of trust or lack of Love?...

Animal Energy Card Reading

When we celebrate our accomplishments, and give thanks to those who helped us learn and grow, those who helped us get to the moment of celebration, we are standing in one of the highest healing frequencies that we can as physical beings.  As we look at how we achieved...

How to create happiness

  Many people have asked me how I stay so happy, so focused, even when things are not going well.  The trick is in having a system in place.  This takes being conscious of where you are putting your energy of focus; the direction of your thoughts.  Do I have...
Eliminate Toxic Sabotaging Patterns

Gain Freedom from painful Toxic Relationship Patterns and create fabulous, fun, healthy relationships now!

Success! Redirecting...