What is Apporting? Why am I asking? Because recently one of my beautiful clients experienced this. Her keys disappeared – almost before her very eyes. They were in her purse where she actually just saw them, and then they were gone. After having lots of help to...
Walk-In Energy A walk-in or soul exchange is not a possession, and is done with both soul’s permission. It is another “tool” for growth in this physical dimension, to help a soul complete a part of their learning and growth (which they otherwise may not be able to do...
First, the 3 things that you must do…. 1) Are you treating yourself with Love? Doing nice things for you? Supporting yourself in all ways; emotionally, and physically, which means listening to yourself, and following through on your own wants and needs? 2) Are you...
To make full moon water, you will need: Filtered water, or rain water A glass bottle or bowl Non-Water Soluble Crystals (Optional, and not during a Moon of Completion) Place the water in the bowl. Add crystals if you are using them – NOTE: Make sure...
We all get something out of the energy we run. For instance, if we run the belief energy of “I’m shy” or “I’m socially awkward”, two things occur. First, we’ll continue to create a reflection of that belief, and have experiences that convince us that this is true. ...
I always say learn to laugh here on this planet, during this journey, because it’s better than the alternative! This is exactly what you need as you go through this Mercury Retrograde! A keen sense of humor, and a positive outlook will take you far…. Mercury rules...