Unconditional Love

Unconditional love means without conditions! Take a minute and think about what this means. Imagine loving yourself this way, without conditions. How would it feel? What conditions have you put on yourself? How would it feel if others loved you unconditionally? How...

I embrace my path

 I embrace my path! I use my feelings to be connected and guided, Angelically. I know what is right for me! No matter what we are feeling, those feelings are giving us information for us to move forward. [See my next post, A glimpse of how Spirit works within a...

I will love myself

I will love myself and embrace my mistakes, for what I learn from them is important to the growth of my soul. A mistake is ‘not doing the right thing’ – possibly by accident. An excuse is not taking responsibility and blaming an outside person, place...

I am loved

Angel Message for today! I am loved! I love my body, as it is. It is a wonderful tool for growth, and I listen when it speaks to me. I am gentle and forgiving, and pay attention to the information that I am collecting. It is without blame that I see, hear and feel. I...

Angel message- I release all pain

    Angel Message! I release all pain from the prior day, or life experiences that have come before. Even if just for this moment, I allow my body, mind and soul to rest. As I rest and relax, I allow my Angels to help me release the trapped energy. I breathe...

How to set intentions

Angel Message for Today is about how to set intentions. Use the energy of the new moon. This planetary physical energy supports what you want to create. Take these steps: First, gift yourself by sitting in a quiet place, and clear your energy. Set the intention that...
Eliminate Toxic Sabotaging Patterns

Gain Freedom from painful Toxic Relationship Patterns and create fabulous, fun, healthy relationships now!

Success! Redirecting...