by Vicki Murphy | Apr 22, 2016 | Angel Messages
O.k., Angel messages regarding the 5 planets in retrograde + the full moon tonight! Jupiter – 1/7 Personal growth and expansion; may feel like a lack of support from others, but is a way for you to find support and love within (forced growth). Self-love is the...
by Vicki Murphy | Apr 20, 2016 | Angel Messages
Challenge: Take your bleakest moment and find the silver lining. What did you learn – it has to be framed in a positive way, so even if your brain says, Well, I learned not to trust that ‘blankety-blank-blank’, turn it into, “I became more...
by Vicki Murphy | Apr 20, 2016 | Angel Messages
Think about a time when you were thankful you took that risk, which involved walking through fear. Now, think of all that you gained in knowledge about yourself, all that you gained in strength, and how you were less afraid the next time. This is taking a step toward...
by Vicki Murphy | Mar 9, 2016 | Angel Messages
Think back and remember the joys of childhood, like floating leaves in the rain gutters. These simple memories are returning you to your joy; they are what made us happy so long ago. Watching the clouds take shape, coloring and watching the color leave the crayon...
by Vicki Murphy | Feb 10, 2016 | Angel Messages
Love you NOW! Even if it’s for 5 Minutes! Good Morning! Yes, today is Wednesday (there was some confusion about this yesterday! – And yes, my Beautiful friend, you know who you are! Thanks for the laugh!). And since today is Wednesday, it’s our Yoga +...