Can our DNA shift to the point that we could actually change gender? This question was posed to me recently from an international client. Before I share my channeled response, I want to remind you to use this information for manifesting purposes. I will translate and...
What is Apporting? Why am I asking? Because recently one of my beautiful clients experienced this. Her keys disappeared – almost before her very eyes. They were in her purse where she actually just saw them, and then they were gone. After having lots of help to...
Walk-In Energy A walk-in or soul exchange is not a possession, and is done with both soul’s permission. It is another “tool” for growth in this physical dimension, to help a soul complete a part of their learning and growth (which they otherwise may not be able to do...
First, the 3 things that you must do…. 1) Are you treating yourself with Love? Doing nice things for you? Supporting yourself in all ways; emotionally, and physically, which means listening to yourself, and following through on your own wants and needs? 2) Are you...
To make full moon water, you will need: Filtered water, or rain water A glass bottle or bowl Non-Water Soluble Crystals (Optional, and not during a Moon of Completion) Place the water in the bowl. Add crystals if you are using them – NOTE: Make sure...