How can Intuitive Coaching Help YOU?

And what is the difference?

You’re a brilliant healing and nurturing soul … and you want to do and be so much more!

What is Intuitive Coaching? Unlike regular coaches and coaching, I have access to specific intuitive abilities that allow me to look within, beyond what we can see. The power of intuitive coaching is, you’ll learn what needs to be healed and shifted faster.

“…I feel like I got more out of one session with you than I did with weeks of conventional psychotherapy.”

I use Intuition to gain information about your divine purpose, and to find and clear blocks, including those from ancestral energy or past lives, that keep you stuck in patterns of fear and procrastination, and prevent you from manifesting success! Here are a few examples (and I have thousands!) of what you can create – in a short time! Why? Because Your Energy Shifts Quickly!

Manifesting Money

“… I literally found money, twice in a row, the day I had the session. I can’t wait to see what I manifest next!”

“I had 3 new clients call and schedule as soon as I finished my session!”

Manifesting Love

“I have more men reaching out to me than I have had in the last six years combined…”

Manifesting Your Career

“I got a fabulous job in my field and became an authority!”

Imagine stepping into your purpose and reaching your goals,

becoming fearlessly YOU – with EASE!

(seriously, take a moment to imagine it)

Impacting Lives Takes Healing You First

  • STOP limiting beliefs at their origin! Create money, love, self-worth, and more, in a way that supports confidence! Command your value in all areas of your life and get comfortable doing it!
  • Explore your gifts and share them with purpose — create financial freedom and flow – be seen and heard and build a fabulous following.
  • Learn to use your quantum energy abilities to attract aligned opportunities and clients to manifest like a rockstar, without lifting a pinky!
  • Stop procrastination, overwhelm and burnout! Build plans and systems to support you in your life and business to effortlessly grow your EASE & profits.
  • Get clear on your vision, tap into your own intuition, and set boundaries that honor your health and family life. No more over-giving or overworking!
  • Raise your vibrational energy and turn your challenges into your tools to heal your mind, body, and soul! No more painful victimization! Take charge of your life and energy!

Through all of this I have created more clarity in my life, learned how to see, hear, and feel more positively. The beauty of it all is that you’ve taught me how to play and create in the energy and do it on my own and continue it throughout my daily life. It’s been incredibly empowering.

— J.N.

About Vicki

Vicki is an internationally recognized Intuitive Coach, Medium, and Integrative Energy Expert, who helps individuals and corporations develop successful and profitable businesses and personal relationships. Vicki’s methods help you stop the struggle of mentally and physically draining patterns, so you can tap into your inner power and create the life you love.

Through private and group coaching, she supports clients to clear debt, double and triple income, develop soul-based business, buy their dream homes, and heal symptoms of lack, including those that may be impacting their health.


I got a fabulous job, signing, and became an authority in my field!

I joined the Manifesting Mastery Program and began to shift how I was seeing and experiencing things, and this impacted my ability to manifest all of it differently!

I got a fabulous job, signing, and became an authority in my field! I created a dream organization that helps first responders communicate with those who are differently abled and am helping to teach methods of communication nationally.

I have long since left the sadness behind and am excited about my life and my future goals. I want to write a book next and have already begun to manifest it!

— Ryan

Thank you for helping clear away my mental obstacles and generate positive energy

I want to thank you so very much for helping me. I was in such a desperate situation and I wanted to pass the course. I did what you suggested and thought of all my professors with the pink light of love and imagined them helping me.

I logged on to view a more detail listing of the exam question results to see how I performed on certain question types and to my surprise I had a passing score. Vicki you told me miracles happen every day and I just had one.

Thank you for helping clear away my mental obstacles and generate positive energy. I’m going to have a more positive and stronger life moving forward. Your support and help gave me what I needed to create a miracle.

— Peg

I have more men reaching out to me than I have had in the last six years combined

Vicki, our session together has produced powerful results for me! You said it would and you were right. I am divorced and well, actively looking for that next Mr. Right. I have a really good friend who no matter where she goes, she always gets interest from the opposite sex. I always wondered what was wrong with me. Why didn’t I get that kind of attention? No one ever “approached” me.

Well, now everything is totally different. I see men doing double takes when I walk by. The other day at a restaurant a man asked me for a date.

Yes, I have more men reaching out to me than I have had in the last six years combined.

Yep, Vicki, thank you! Life just got good!

— A.E.

Get Inspired

How to Attract Love

1) Are you treating yourself with Love? Doing nice things for you? Supporting yourself in all ways; emotionally, and physically, which means listening to yourself, and following through on your own wants and needs?

Symbolic Meanings in Dreams

If you are in the attic, this is an indication of high self-esteem, while the basement is the opposite, and may be showing you a belief about how well you like and or love yourself. Beautiful green grass in the front indicates a message of wealth and good fortune.
Eliminate Toxic Sabotaging Patterns

Gain Freedom from painful Toxic Relationship Patterns and create fabulous, fun, healthy relationships now!

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