Test Your Intuitive Skills

what are your strongest gifts?

Please sit quietly as you look at these questions.  Rate them from 1 – 5; 1 never or infrequently; 2 occasionally; 3 with some regularity; 4 consistently; 5 on a regular basis with ease.

1)      Do you get messages from animals, or humans, regarding how they think, or feel, knowing what they need and/or want without any prompting verbally or physically (animals jumping or vocalizing, or people speaking)?

If more with animals, rate here:              1              2              3              4              5

If more with people, rate here:                1              2              3              4              5

2)      Do you feel physical symptoms from people and animals that are not my own; i.e., headaches, nausea, anger, etc?                                                                   1              2              3              4              5

3)      Do you have prophetic dreams, or know that something is going to happen in the future with accuracy; phone ringing, car challenge, etc?                           1              2              3              4              5

4)      Do you know something that I could not have known often and with accuracy, without being told about it; that someone is not telling the truth, that something is not going to work out, etc?

1             2              3                4              5

5)      Do you know or are you able to discern information upon touching an object or person?

                                              1              2              3              4              5


1)      If you rated a 3 or above in this area with either animals or people, you have strong abilities and may be gifted in Animal Communication.  You may be receiving information through your telepathic, empathic and or clairvoyant gifts.

2)      If you rated a 3 or above in this area you may be receiving information through your empathic, and/or clairsentient abilities.

3)      If you rated a 3 or above in this area you may be receiving information through your clairvoyant abilities.

4)      If you rated a 3 or above in this area you may be receiving information through your claircognizant abilities.

5)      If you rated a 3 or above in this area you may be gifted with the ability of psychometry.


Love and Peace,
Vicki Murphy, BFA, RMPT, IEP






Intuitive Counselor
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