Flower Power Personality Chart

Sunflower – Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Golden energy of Spiritual connection; interested in higher consciousness
  • Sunny & warm personality
  • In touch with emotions.
  • Creative Genius


Daffodil – High Sacral Chakra

  • Carefree
  • Trusts in the processes of life
  • Prefers the simple things
  • Leadership traits

Iris – Third Eye Chakra

  • Artsy & creative
  • Stylish in nature; clothing, environment, food, etc.
  • Intrinsic understanding of others
  • Inspirational Soul

Gardenia – Crown Chakra

  • Sweet & calm
  • Attractive & outgoing
  • Thoughtful regarding the feelings of others
  • Gentle, healing soul

Orchid – Sacral Chakra

  • Dramatic
  • Prefers to be surrounded by Tasteful Luxury
  • Instinctive & Intuitive regarding their surroundings & friends
  • World Traveler

Tulip – Root Chakra

  • Positive energy
  • Tolerant of New Ideas & People
  • Loves easily
  • Peacemaker

Calla Lily – Root Chakra

  • Serious, studious type
  • To the point; powerful mind
  • Strong Integrity
  • Introspective Soul

Lily – Heart Chakra

  • Nurturing Nature
  • Calming ability to rise above chaos
  • Sophisticated & Fashionable
  • Gracious Soul

Roses – Heart Chakra

  • Sensitive soul
  • Delicate beauty
  • High Standards, due to an understanding of their ability to achieve
  • Protective of themselves & those that they love

Violets – Third Eye Chakra

  • Loyal & witty
  • Intellectually stimulated
  • Love of the arts
  • Fragile, only shows true feelings with those they trust

Peony – Throat Chakra

  • Delightful & Fun
  • Spontaneous in nature
  • Tastefully Opulent
  • Loves entertaining

Poppies – Root Chakra

  • Hip style
  • Outgoing Socialite
  • Expressive communicator
  • Passionate competitor

Daisies – Throat Chakra

  • Naturalist
  • Optimistic
  • Loyal in Love & friendship
  • Old fashioned values & hard working

Freesia – Throat Chakra

  • Innocent Soul
  • Bashful
  • Sensitive to others needs & wants
  • Healing nature


Protea – Root Chakra

  • Brave, Adventurous Soul
  • Creative & Enthusiastic spirit
  • Chivalrous
  • Abundant creator

Amaryllis – Root Chakra

  • Zealous in Life
  • Celebratory nature; Gratitude junkie
  • Proud; accomplished
  • Strong character

Hydrangeas – Throat Chakra

  • Majestic Dreams & Desires
  • Complimentary to others
  • Trustworthy in Love & Friendship
  • Compassionate communicator

Carnations – Sacral Chakra

  • Genuine & Peace-loving Soul
  • Quiet & Thoughtful
  • Unique take on life
  • Excellent Guide & Friend





Wishing You Peace, Health & Happiness,

Vicki Murphy, BFA, RMPT, IEP

Intuitive Counselor

Certified Psychic Medium

Reiki Master Healer

Medical Intuitive

Reverend, Marriage &

Ceremonial Advisor

Corporate Consultant



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