⦁ Stop! Catch yourself when you are thinking a negative thought about yourself or another. This is so important, your conscious state. You can’t do anything to change the energy if you don’t realize you’re being negative in the first place. You can ask a trusted friend or loved one to gently remind you if you “say” something negative, but have a “safe” word for when you want them to stop. It’s difficult to hear and to comes to terms with, and especially from another that you know. So make sure this rule is firmly in place. It is not a license to “attack” you, and if you are feeling attacked, then stop. Think of you stopping this action as practice for “healthy boundaries”. Take heed, this is definitely a move taken from my Spiritual Warrior Book, and one that is not for the faint of heart. This is hard work – be ready!
⦁ Erase! Have a method of “erasing” the negative thought in place and ready to go. One of my favorite is to see the thought on a chalk board, to erase it. I do extensive work with Theta Brain Waves to clear embedded negative thought energy that may have come from past lives, so if you recognize something is deeper, please take action to clear and release it. It’s a time of growth and for all of us here; a time to help the world. Call me for a clearing, (949)677-6314.
⦁ Replacement! Once you have erased the negative thought from the chalk board, it’s time to write a new thought; one that you would prefer to belief. Write a positive thought that is comfortable, one that you can actually begin to believe right now.
⦁ Feel! As you write the new thought, “feel” any resistance to believing it. This is a great way to “see” where the energy might be “stuck”. Put your hands on any area of the body that you may feel the resistance, and repeat the positive thought over and over until the discomfort become smaller and smaller.
⦁ Release! Don’t overwhelm yourself! It is a part of the process, so be kind and gently and allow that you may need time to make the shift! Release any worry that you are not doing it right or fast enough. This just clouds the energy creating more negative flow. Continue to practice proactively! You are being called to “service” by your Angels! They are by your side and are helping you every step of the way!
Love and Peace,
Vicki Murphy, BFA, RMPT, IEP
Intuitive Counselor
Certified Psychic Medium5 Steps to Increase Positive Energy Flow
Reiki Master Healer
Medical Intuitive
Reverend, Marriage &
Ceremonial Advisor
Corporate Consultant
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